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Sunday, September 18, 2005 @8:09 am

the website of surf sun and sand.

Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?

Saturday, September 17, 2005 @10:00 am

woohoo! the iPod nano is out.
man! its super cool!
its the thickness of 5 credit cards!
anyway, this is the website.
go visit!http://www.apple.com.sg/ipodnano/

Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?

Friday, September 16, 2005 @9:53 am

i know i know... this is my 3rd time blogging today.
but i'm quite free now, that's why.
anyway, back to the point.
yesterday, i went to amanda's house to get evonnie's present.
and guess who i met on the way?!
sorry, only people from school will know.
anyway, just for those who are clueless at this point,
me and ye aren't exactly lovable buddies.
we both loath the presence of each other.
our case is much like cady and regina's case in MEAN GIRLS.(which i totally looove.)
we can't stand each other's gut but we put on that sick smile for each other.
if u would really like to see it, u can always ask me to show u.
i'd never be happier.
anyway, she used to go to GM, till she transfered to cedar.(thank god!)
well, the reason of our feud is unknown but amanda says its cos of sagar.(that's a guy btw.)
well, i don't know.
and u know what? i don't think i'd like to know.
anyway, i met her at the busstop on the way to amanda's hse.
and she spotted us first.
and she was like "OH MY GOD!"
and , yes, u've guessed right, that was my exact reaction.
well, i mean, come on, u would do the exact same thing if u saw ur evil nemesis rite?
i mean if i was kim possible of sth, i would hv like got neat moves to, oh, i don't know, kick her ass?
but i guess that would just be MEAN.
then there would be a sequel to MEAN GIRLS.
and it would be titled'MEAN GIRLS STRIKE BACK now with more kick ass action!'
well, anyway, back to my story.
her next sentence was... guess wad?
"you..."then she shows me the action of fat.
oh wow.
man, do i love her.
anyway, then she took the same bus as us. and she was like "bragging" how her grades are like flopping.
whoopee!for me.
and i continued absorbing the music blasting(i didn't want to hear their conversation) from my iPod.
and then, amanda tried to bring me into the conversation.
so she said, "well, she(me)don't know why6 suddenly doing so well. her tuition and all..."
and amanda made me say sth.
so i mumbled a yea.
haha... u should have seen her face when amanda quibbed" she is even the 7th in class!".
oh well, i shrugged...
i know i should hv said sth to embarass her further.
but i'm kinda an amateur at slutting people.
so then. my whole 2ominutes or so of awkwardness...

Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?

@9:37 am

yea! its that time of the year again! (not month..)
my band, JET BLACK, will be performing at EA(eurasians association) this sat.
i'm so excited.
i've totally tried to jet up and improve my drumming..
so i hope the results will be above my expectation.
alrite, toodles.
i gtg kick some beats!

Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?

@9:32 am

happy birthday girlfriend!
i still owe u your 15 kisses... ((:
anyway, God bless u always and many happy returns!
all the best.

Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?

Monday, September 05, 2005 @11:04 am

why do some people just turn their backs against you for no good reason.?
it really hurts. don't you know?
i hate your stupid ugly bitchy blackface and yet i try to be your friend
just cause you need me to help you with something to your own benefit,
you have the cheek to come and treat me like i'm your world's best friend.
and when you are done with your dirty job, you just turn me away like you don't even know me.
your attitude needs some serious work.
you're way too judgemental, and you always call people names.
c'mon, don't you think it's high time you grew out of it?

Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?

@10:55 am

for some reason, i am feeling really down.
just don't feel like talking with anyone.
reach home still have to endure the lonliness.
people take my feelings for granted and it does not feel good.
not one tiny little insy bit.
it's kinda ironic how it seems that i always look fun and happy,
constantly making a fool of myself just for the entertainment of others
but deep down, i know how i feel.
and its far from that.
i just like to suffer in silence.
i'm just bound to be a loner forever,
bound and locked up within the prisons of my deep and broken soul.
well, at least there's always JESUS that i can count on.
i know i can't do much about friends... they come and they go.
i cant even get the guy that i like for so many years to like me even one bit.
pathetic isnt it?
who cares.?
who friggin' cares?

Why did you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?

please pleaseme
loving being sixteen.

can't get no satisfaction

nike dunks
Philips Salon Geometricks 10in1
lava lamp
soccer ball
a trip to disneyland!
bedroom slippers
earring rack
bronze slippers from holland s.c
a new house(soon!)
hot bod
MY own mini cooper
handphone. yep, still waiting for one.
MY own credit card
mac laptop


i'm calling all angels

let's waste time chasing cars

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